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Pix Brook Academy

Special Educational Needs and Disability

Care, Guidance and Support

Pix Brook Academy cares deeply for every single pupil in our care. We know that pupils deserve to feel safe, supported, respected and valued. We ensure that long before a pupil joins us we are working with the lower feeder schools to get to know your son or daughter so that when the time for transfer comes, a relationship has already started to build and they feel happy, confident and able to access the new opportunities that becoming a student at Pix Brook brings.

Pix Brook Academy is fully inclusive and has extensive experience with supporting a wide range of additional needs and challenges.

We make a commitment to ensuring that every pupil has the very best opportunities available throughout their time at the Academy.

Our SEND co-ordinators:

SENCO                      Mrs Isobel Hepworth

Assistant SENCO     Miss Elaine Gifford 

T : 01462 416 243

E :

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy has been written with regard to the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice: 0-25 years (Sep 2014) and the Equalities Act (2010).
Pupils will be identified through ongoing assessments by the child or young person’s teachers, and brought to the attention of the SENDCO if they are making less than expected progress, in spite of high quality, differentiated classroom teaching targeted at the child or young person’s area of weakness.

To find out more about how we are implementing our SEND Policy please use the links below. 

Special Educational Needs and Disability - Local Offer from Central Bedfordshire Council and the SEN Code of Practice can be found via these links